


The Digestion-Posture Link …

We’re getting a little personal today, but we can’t talk about core strength without today’s topic: digestion! You might not realize it, but your posture (and core strength) have a HUGE impact on how you digest your food.  Here’s how: Heartburn & Sluggish Digestion Slouching after you eat can cause pressure in your abdomen, which […]

Is Your Posture Making You Stressed?

Do you slouch because you’re stressed… or are you stressed because you’re slouching? The answer might make you want to sit up straight right now!  The other day, I came across a study that said not only does your posture affect your physical body (muscles, core, joints, etc)… It can also affect your mood. The […]

Speed Up Your Meal Prep And Save $

You know that feeling when you have a project hanging over your head and you just can’t get it started… But once you get it going, you wonder why you dreaded it so much. Meal prepping can feel that exact same way!  The thing is, once you get started, it can save you SO much […]

Do You REALLY Need 10k Daily Steps?

Taken a walk today? If not, you may want to pay close attention to this. You might have heard that 10,000 steps are a MUST for optimal health… But new research shows that only 8,200 steps are enough to protect you from some of the most common chronic diseases!  In a recent 4-year review of […]

How To Meal Prep If You Hate Leftovers

Tell me if you can relate… A lot of people tell me one of the reasons they don’t meal prep is because either they or someone in their home won’t eat leftovers. Understandable! But guess what? It’s still possible to get all of the time-saving and stress-busting benefits of meal prepping WITHOUT having to eat […]

Almost Everyone Struggles With This…

Can I let you in on a not-so-secret secret?  Almost everyone struggles with sticking to a healthy diet from time to time. Yes, even me. In fact, it seems like every day/week, a client (or potential client) confesses that it’s their #1 issue getting in the way of their health and fitness goals. That’s why […]