
Do you crave this at night?

This month we’re taking a deep dive into CRAVINGS and there’s a definite time of day they seem to strike the most … 

At night! 

There are some actual biological causes of cravings – and that includes at nighttime!

They can happen even if you’re doing everything “right.” 

By that I mean, you’re not skipping meals, you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fibre and protein, you fuel your workouts, you’re sleeping well, you drink enough water during the day, and you’re not stressed.

That’s because your body’s internal clock is wired to make you feel hungry at night. This might have been for survival reasons for our ancestors, but it’s definitely not something we need now!

That internal hunger “alarm clock” can make it too easy to pick up a nighttime snacking habit.

And that’s especially true if you’re coming off a period of time where maybe you’ve been a little extra stressed, or haven’t been getting enough sleep, or … you get the idea.

You might notice cravings kick in as soon as you start to wind down for the night – just out of habit.

The fix: give your nighttime routine a general overhaul, at least for a while, to break free from your cravings cycle.

That means doing something DIFFERENT! 

If you usually munch on snacks while watching TV …  instead try reading, going for a walk, or tackle a new hobby. 

Or maybe do some stretching/foaming roll work (always a winner in my book!).

You just need to shake up your routine to help shift out of your old habits and patterns.

You might just be surprised at how much better you sleep! And you might be inspired to try new things and uncover new interests.

Give this a try for a few nights and see how it works for you!

At Baxter Basics, we focus on simple, sustainable changes that can add up to big results. You should check out our 6-Week Kick-Start Program where I coach you to move more, eat better and feel amazing without any restrictive diets or spending every day in the gym.

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