Jessica Buttigeig
I have lost 22kg and 53cm from my body

I am plus sized and I admit I used to look at boot camps and think I would love to join one but was always so paranoid that I wouldn’t be accepted because I was so big. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up, I can’t do what they’re doing and I didn’t fit the boot camp “image”
When I approached Baxter Basics I was informed that I could go at my own pace, do what I can and you’ll be pushed only to your limitations. I am currently doing the 6 week challenge and I have had great results. I am humbled by how supportive and encouraging all the other people are at the sessions. The trainers are great motivators but the team environment really spurs me on to push harder just when I think I can’t do anything else.
I have quickly learned that it doesn’t matter about your size, if you need to change your lifestyle and want to be healthier then you can! No more excuses. Thanks to Baxter Basics I’m starting to feel so much better about myself, my attitude towards food has improved and I actually look forward to every boot camp session. Stay tuned because I am confident that I will be a Baxter Basics success story.
I am plus sized and I admit I used to look at boot camps and think I would love to join one but was always so paranoid that I wouldn’t be accepted because I was so big. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up, I can’t do what they’re doing and I didn’t fit the boot camp “image”
When I approached Baxter Basics I was informed that I could go at my own pace, do what I can and you’ll be pushed only to your limitations. I am currently doing the 6 week challenge and I have had great results. I am humbled by how supportive and encouraging all the other people are at the sessions. The trainers are great motivators but the team environment really spurs me on to push harder just when I think I can’t do anything else.
I have quickly learned that it doesn’t matter about your size, if you need to change your lifestyle and want to be healthier then you can! No more excuses. Thanks to Baxter Basics I’m starting to feel so much better about myself, my attitude towards food has improved and I actually look forward to every boot camp session. Stay tuned because I am confident that I will be a Baxter Basics success story.