Dave Wickman
Has lost 44cm, 8.9% body fat and 14.5kg

I joined The Baxter Basics in January 2014 after my extended Christmas/New Year eating and drinking season.
My family and I were at the park and saw a Baxter Basics boot camp session, I then decided to give the free 7 day trial a crack, it only took two sessions with Darren to find out how unfit I actually was.
With-in 2 weeks of training 3-4 times a week I was addicted, and then after 3 months of boot camp I found my fitness had improved but I wasn’t losing any weight due to my bad eating habits.
I decided to complete the 6 weeks challenge to help loose those extra kilo’s, not only did I get a great understanding of how to eat healthy but found that good food doesn’t taste bad. The meals are simple to prepare and easy to follow.
Although far and away the best part of shedding the extra kilo’s and regular exercise is now being able to keep up with my three sons and the extraordinary amount of energy they have. It also feels great getting all those compliments from family, friends and colleagues that provides the extra encouragement to continue with my new lifestyle.
Thanks Darren and all my new friends at Baxter Basics for being part of this life changing experience.
I joined The Baxter Basics in January 2014 after my extended Christmas/New Year eating and drinking season.
My family and I were at the park and saw a Baxter Basics boot camp session, I then decided to give the free 7 day trial a crack, it only took two sessions with Darren to find out how unfit I actually was.
With-in 2 weeks of training 3-4 times a week I was addicted, and then after 3 months of boot camp I found my fitness had improved but I wasn’t losing any weight due to my bad eating habits.
I decided to complete the 6 weeks challenge to help loose those extra kilo’s, not only did I get a great understanding of how to eat healthy but found that good food doesn’t taste bad. The meals are simple to prepare and easy to follow.
Although far and away the best part of shedding the extra kilo’s and regular exercise is now being able to keep up with my three sons and the extraordinary amount of energy they have. It also feels great getting all those compliments from family, friends and colleagues that provides the extra encouragement to continue with my new lifestyle.
Thanks Darren and all my new friends at Baxter Basics for being part of this life changing experience.