5 Moves for Toned Thighs

Toned Thigh Move #1: Squat
It’s basic, but it will give you incredible results. Whether you choose to go with or without weights, squatting is the fundamental move you should cling to if shapely thighs are your goal.
To perform a squat, have your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the knee until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Of course, if this is too easy, you can add more weight or turn your regular squat into a jump-squat for extra thigh-trimming power. When you reach the bottom of your squat position, jump as high as you can, land in the starting position and repeat.
Toned Thigh Move #2: Lunges
Another classic move, lunges will get your thighs tight and toned to perfection. To do them right, start by standing as you would normally, feet placed approximately hip-width from one another. Take a lunging step with your right foot, bend your left knee so that it almost touches the ground and your right knee is at a 90-degree angle, and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other foot stepping forward in a lunging motion.
Try also stepping backwards for a different variation.
Still need more burn? Grab a couple dumbbells and go at it again!
Toned Thigh Move #3: Deadlift
This move is not reserved for bodybuilders. In fact, performing deadlifts a couple of times a week is an effective way to increase the thigh toning power of your routine.
Here’s how it’s done: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with a slight bend in your knees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, hanging down at your sides. Bend at the hips, keeping your chest out and back flat, and lower down until the dumbbells reach somewhere below the knee, depending on your range of motion maintaining a flat back. Exhale and straighten back up to a standing position setting your shoulders back and in a down position.
Toned Thigh Move #4: Power Jacks
This is a variation of the Jumping Jack.
With your feet shoulder-width apart, squat down and touch your knees or just below depending on your technique range. Jump into the air, moving your arms up to a (Y) position and your feet spreading apart (^). Move back to the start position and repeat in a fluent motion.
Toned Thigh Move #5: Leg Circles
Sure, it looks ridiculously easy, but if you think leg circles are a cinch you’ve not given them a try lately. Starting out, you’ll need to lie on your back on top of a soft surface, such as carpet or an exercise mat. Bending your left leg and keeping your left foot flat on the ground, lift your right leg into the air with your toes pointed and no bend in the knee. Then draw large circles in the air with your leg. Make the circles in a clockwise motion five times and then do five more in a counter-clockwise motion. Swap legs and repeat.
When you feel particularly powerful, try spelling out the entire alphabet with each leg and see how far you get.
Want to take your routine to the next level? Call or email today to schedule your first workout. You’ll find my contact info in this newsletter.